St. Lawrence tourism students attending the 24th edition of The Ottawa Travel and Vacation Show

Dans le DEC Techniques de tourisme, offert en partenariat avec le Cégep Champlain St. Lawrence, les étudiants font la moitié de leur formation spécifique en anglais. En quatrième session, dans le cadre du cours Promotional Activities, ils travaillent en collaboration avec l’Office du tourisme de Québec et Tourisme Charlevoix afin de représenter les deux régions au Ottawa Travel and Vacation Show les 30 et 31 mars. Depuis janvier, ils collaborent à la préparation des différents outils promotionnels et se préparent à pouvoir répondre aux questions des visiteurs à propos des deux régions touristiques.
Voici par ailleurs, le communiqué rédigé par deux étudiantes dans le cadre du cours.
Students in the Techniques de tourisme program, a bilingual program offered by Cégep Limoilou in partnership with Cégep Champlain St. Lawrence, will be collaborating with the Quebec Tourism Office and Tourisme Charlevoix to represent these two regions at the Ottawa Travel and Vacation Show, which will be held on March 30th and 31st at the Shaw Center in Ottawa.
This activity is part of the Promotional Activities course taken by the students during the 4th session of the program. This is a unique opportunity for them to put into practice what they have learned in class. Since mid-January, students have been working in collaboration with their teacher, Louis-Alexandre Berthelot, as well as with the Quebec Tourism Office and Tourisme Charlevoix, to plan the necessary promotional tools at the show in addition to taking care of all the other details. They also needed to deepen their knowledge of the two regions in order to be ready to answer the visitors' questions.
The students are eager to take part in this experience: “It’s a great opportunity for us to improve our skills and to represent our city. I am excited to attract new tourists to Quebec City in order to increase the tourist affluence. The OTVS will allow us to put in practice everything we have learned this past semester, and this will be the reward for all our hard work and preparation.” Says Sophie Pascale, a tourism student who will attend the show this year. While in Ottawa, students will be accompanied by their teachers Louis-Alexandre Berthelot and Gina Azzuolo both from Cégep St.Lawrence. The Ottawa Travel and Vacation Show is a consumer show where attendees can get travel information about over a hundred international and Canadian destinations. It will take place at the Shaw Centre, located on 55 Colonel By Drive St in Ottawa, Ontario and will be held on March 30 and 31, 2019 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
About the Ottawa Travel and Vacation Show
The annual Ottawa Travel and Vacation Show welcomes exhibitors from more than 50 countries. The show's program includes seminars, cooking demonstrations and culinary tastings. It's the perfect place to get inspired - or even to plan - for a future trip or a future getaway.
About the Tourism Techniques Program - bilingual DEC
The Techniques de tourisme is a bilingual DEC, specializing in Tourism Product Development and was born of a partnership between Cégep Limoilou and Champlain St. Lawrence Cégep more than sixteen years ago. It aims to train a new tourism bilingual workforce to face the upcoming challenges of the Quebec tourism industry.
Techniques de tourisme
Techniques de tourisme
Campus de Charlesbourg
418 647-6600 #3548, local 3114
Cégep Limoilou
Le Cégep Limoilou est un établissement d’enseignement supérieur d’avant-garde qui offre plus de 40 programmes et profils de formation dans des domaines très variés : arts, sciences humaines, sciences et technologies, industrie touristique, sciences de la santé et administration. Les valeurs affirmées dans notre projet éducatif, Le savoir, source de liberté, guident au quotidien le travail des 850 membres du personnel en vue de favoriser la réussite des 5 500 étudiantes et étudiants qui nous ont choisis pour réaliser leurs rêves.